
# productivity

Vim Selection Groups

In Neovim, the scope that regular expression select group is out of this world. Here is a screencast of me making a json object out of just text data.
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# productivity

My journey to VIM, from πŸ˜• to πŸ˜„

Vim has been throne till my software development. Something that I always ignored and looked away from. Here I would love to reverse time a by few years and see how my programming journey went and vim has made the journey better making me a more productive software enginner overall.
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# projects

With this rust tool, I don’t see feeds now

I have been diving into the working of rust and I am loving how rust is just opposite of my primary language like typescript/javascript enums and structs just works like C++ or C.
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# backend

Every Class in NestJS and Its Functionalities

NestJS is a huge framework built on top of TypeScript, JavaScript also uses Express or Fasitfy as an underlying mechanism to route requests.
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# tips and tricks

I Bet You Don’t Use These JavaScript Tricks and Practices

Tell me how many did you know by responding to the article and you may share this with your network to find out how many they know.
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© Nirjal Paudel