Nirjal Paudel

Nirjal Paudel

I'm Nirjal Paudel, a software developer specializing in database and backend technology, optimization and cloud

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# database

JSONB in PostgresSQL and its daily uses

Postgres is a powerful SQL database with extensive features. It supports two JSON data types, json and jsonb, offering various functions and operators. Using JSONB can optimize database queries and reduce joins, as illustrated by examples like Netflix profiles and inflation-resistant order data.
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# productivity

I have been optimizing my development productivity

How I enhanced developer productivity with personal tools, bash scripts, aliases and organizational practices
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# database

Temporary tables in SQL and How I used it to improve performance

In PostgreSQL, a temporary table is a table that exists only during a database session. It is created and used within a single database session and is automatically dropped at the end of the session.
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